Past and Future Meetings


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2024:46th Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, September 25-27.


1978:Founding Meeting and 1st Annual Scientific Meeting, St. Mary's Hospital, Montréal, QC, April 20-21.
1979:2nd Annual Meeting, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, April 26-27.
1980:3rd Annual Meeting, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, May 12-13.
1981:4th Annual Meeting, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry and the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Research Foundation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, April 23-25.
1982:5th Annual Meeting, Université Laval, Québec, QC, May 12-14.
1983:6th Annual Meeting, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, May 24-27.
1984:7th Annual Meeting, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, May 5-8.
1985:8th Annual Meeting, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, May 6-8.
1986:9th Annual Meeting, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, May 20-23.
1987:10th Annual Meeting, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, May 19-22.
1988:11th Annual Meeting, Montréal, QC, May 3-6.
1989:12th Annual Meeting (BAP/CCNP Joint Annual Meeting), Cambridge, England, July 23-26.
1990:13th Annual Meeting, Rimrock Inn, Banff, AB, June 3-6.
1991:14th Annual Meeting, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, June 3-5.
1992:15th Annual Meeting, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, May 29-June 3.
1993:16th Annual Meeting (BAP/CCNP Joint Annual Meeting), Delta Hotel, Montreal, QC, May 30-June 2.
1994:17th Annual Meeting (AFPB/CCNP Joint Annual Meeting), Quebec City, QC, May 29-June 01.
1995:18th Annual Meeting (JSNP/CCNP Joint Annual Meeting), Vancouver, BC, June 4-7.
1996:19th Annual Meeting, Four Seasons Hotel, Toronto, ON, June 2-5.
1997:20th Annual Meeting (BAP/CCNP Joint Annual Meeting), Cambridge, England, July 13-17.
1998:21st Annual Meeting, The Delta Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Jun 14-17.
1999:22nd Annual Meeting, The Lord Nelson Hotel, Halifax, NS, Jun. 12-15.
200023rd Annual Meeting (AFPB/CCNP Annual Joint Meeting), Marrakesh, Morocco, Apr. 10-14.
2001:24th Annual Meeting (CCNP/BAP/JSNP Annual Joint Meeting), The Banff Conference Centre, Banff, AB, Jun. 17-20.
2002:25th Annual Meeting, the Westin Hotel, Ottawa, ON, Jun. 9-12.
2003:26th Annual Meeting, Montréal, QC, Jun. 1-4.
2004:27th Annual Meeting, Kingston, ON, May 31-Jun. 1.
2005:28th Annual Meeting, St. John's, NFLD.
2006:29th Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, July 9-13.
2007:30th Annual Meeting, Banff, June 15-18.
2008:31st Annual Meeting, Hilton Hotel, Toronto, ON, June 6-9.
2009:32nd Annual Meeting (CCNP/SCNP joint meeting), Marriott Copenhagen Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark, Apr. 27-29.
2010:33rd Annual Meeting (CCNP/CAN joint meeting), Westin Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, May 14-17.
2011:34th Annual Meeting, Omni Hotel, Montreal, QC, May 20-23.
2012:35th Annual Meeting, University of British Columbia, May 23-26.
2013:36th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, May 29-June 1.
2014:37th Annual Meeting, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, June 18-21.
2015:38th Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, June 9-12.
2016:39th Annual Meeting, Prince George Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Jun 14-17.
2017:40th Annual Meeting, Kingston, Ontario, June 7-9.
2018:41st Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 28-30.
2019:42nd Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, June 12-15.
2020:Annual Meeting postposed to 2021 due to COVID-19 pandemic.
2021:43rd Annual Meeting, One day virtual meeting on November 4, 2021.
2022:44th Annual Meeting: Virtual, October 27, 2022.
2023:45th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, September 21-23.